Southern observers have already been enjoying the comet which is expected to brighten to 2nd magnitude. This makes the comet a respectable object that can easily be viewed low over the western horizon just after sunset. The comet should be easy to view with a pair of binoculars and maybe even by eye. Of course this all depends on how significant your local light pollution is. But from a good site, the comet should be easy observe and to photograph.
Pann-Starrs March 13th, at 7:30 PM EST just 10 degrees above horizon contains a good selection of recent news related to Pann-Starrs. The photo gallery on the site also contains many images from astrophotographers too.
The greatest challenge to viewing comet Pann-Starrs is its low elevation on the horizon. From NJ, by 7:30 pm, the comet will only be 10 degrees above the western horizon. Therefore it is important to have a clear view to the West and to start looking for the comet right after sunset. Binoculars are perfect for viewing the comet. Be warned that some telescopes will not be able to view that low. For example my 12” scope dobsonian can not slew to an object only 10 degrees above the horizon. But widefield scopes are what you want for viewing the comet and its tail. The larger the field of view the better.
Pann-Starrs Saturday March 16th, about 10 degrees above the horizon at 7:40 EST.

March 10th the comet makes its closest approach to the Sun. The comet is 0.3 AU from the Sun.
March 12th-13th, the comet reappears in the western sky after Sunset. Hopefully the comet will peak at 2nd Magnitude.
March 12th-17th the comet is well placed low on the western horizon after sunset.
During this time the comet is heading out of the inner solar-system.
March 17th- 30th the comet is still low on the horizon, but rapidly fades with each passing day. The Moon also starts to interfere with viewing the comet.
Comet Pann-Starrs location in the solar system on March 16th.

Unfortunately, the comet does not climb much higher in the evening sky until weeks later as it heads towards the constellation Ursa Minor (Little Dipper). By this time, the comet will be very faint and require a large telescope to view.
Therefore the best views will be the week of March 12th – 17th. The weather in New Jersey this year has been atrocious. But there have been numerous days when the sky is clear to partly cloudy around sunset. This is followed by completely overcast skies. But it is worth going out with binoculars on these days to look for the comet just after sunset. Hopefully we will be able to spot this inter-wanderer as it makes its trip through the solar system. This is also a good warm-up for comet ISON later this year. ISON is expected to be a spectacular comet and there is even a chance it will be visible during the day!
Note* All images prepared using the Orion Starseek APP for ipad and iphone
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