Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First GRS transit of this Jupiter season!

Just timing I guess, I never seem to catch the GRS. I'd done 6 drawing since my first in August, though the general condition of the bands seemed to change I was seeing similar features every time, like I was always catching the same side.

Not so this morning though. There was awesome drama in the bands, and though it looked more like the Jupiter Great Red smudge than spot, it was still real obvious and seemed to be about at the transit point. It seemed like more was going on in the southern pole too. Nice start to the day.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Early AM Jupiter watch

Another beautiful morning for Jupiter, I thought some of the features around the middle were really exceptional. The big guy has looked great every time so far this season, but thought that northern band has been more complex than earlier this year I thought this was extraordinary. Early mornings have been set aside for musical arrangement lately, it was real nice to be able to get back out to the scope.