Thursday, March 8, 2012

Research Session #1: Imaging Mars

NJAA Research Session #1
March 5, 2012
Mitchell D. Revalski

Arrival at the NJAA Observatory was a little after 10PM EST. Bill Anthony and myself used the 12” RCX400 in the Schirra Observatory to do imaging of Mars. With my limited experience I chose to image solely in monochrome. The video was shot using the clubs DMK021AU camera. I took several videos and used the best video based on sharpness of focus and steady seeing to get the image below. The details such as fps, length of video, and processing using Registax 6 are detailed in the image. Lessons learned consist primarily of being better prepared for the cold.


Please feel free to contact me with any questions about the image regarding the capture or processing procedure. Direct questions and comments to

End of Report
March 5, 2012

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